Trapped! (game show) Wiki

Episode Description 

This episode aired on the 27th of February 2009. The unfortunates in this episode were from Walton.


  • Elizabeth (girl), who's a champion bog snorkeler
  • Joseph (boy), who's a sucker for a nice pair of shoes
  • Emz (girl), who isn't left-handed
  • Leon (boy), he reads bus tickets for fun
  • Emma (girl), she's from London. Hang on, how did she get in there?
  • Aaron (boy), who's named after a jumper

The Tower

Floor 6

- Challenge Character: The Giant

- Challenge: Giant Appetite

- Saboteur: Emma

- Status: Challenge was failed. Saboteur was detected.

- Voting: Emma received 3 votes. Joseph received 2 votes. Emz received 1 vote.

- Trapped: Emma

- Details: 3 Saboteur alerts.

- Emma's last words: Because I was a bit too noisy.

Floor 5

- Challenge Character: The Crowman

- Challenge: Beware the Crowman

- Saboteur: Emz

- Status: Challenge was failed. Saboteur was undetected.

- Voting: Joseph received 3 votes. Aaron received 1 vote. Leon received 1 vote.

- Trapped: Joseph

- Details: There was 2 correct guesses and 3 incorrect guesses. All the bad pumpkins have yellow present on them.

- Joseph's last words: Because I wasn't really that happy when we picked the right pumpkins.

Floor 4

- Challenge Character: The Child-Eating Python

- Challenge: Snake Attack

- Saboteur: Leon

- Status: Challenge was failed. Saboteur was undetected.

- Voting: Aaron received 2 votes. Leon received 1 vote. Elizabeth received 1 vote.

- Trapped: Aaron

- Details: There was 1 correct guess, and 3 incorrect guesses. 

- Aaron's last words: Because I was deciding everything on each hole.  

Floor 3

- Challenge Character: None

- Challenge: Forbidden Chambers

- Saboteur: Elizabeth

- Status: Challenge was failed. Saboteur was detected.

- Voting: Elizabeth received 2 votes. Leon received 1 vote.

- Trapped: Elizabeth

- Details: No towers completed.

- Elizabeth's last words: I think the others voted for me because I was too obvious.

Floor 2

- Details: Leon answered 3 questions correctly. Emz answered no questions correctly. 9 questions were asked.

- Winner: Leon

- Emz's last words: Fine. I got this far, so it's better than nothing.

- Leon said: Freedom is mine!


  • Emz is the only runner up in The Fight For Freedom to not answer any questions correctly (not counting the Ever After episodes). She is also the only saboteur in Beware the Crowman to successfully sabotage the challenge and remain undetected. In Series 3, Episode 6 (Gateshead) and Series 3, Episode 12 (Glasgow), the saboteurs (Steeley & Chloe respectively) failed to sabotage the challenge and were detected, while in Series 3, Episode 1 (Brixton), the saboteur (Jaydene) sabotaged the challenge but lost the Draw Straws tie with John.
  • Joseph is the only Unfortunate trapped in Beware The Crowman to not be the Saboteur.
  • Elizabeth is the only saboteur in Forbidden Chambers to sabotage the challenge but get detected.
  • Emma is the only girl to be trapped in Giant Appetite.
  • All of the female Unfortunates in this episode have names beginning with “E”. They were also all chosen as Saboteurs, along with Leon.
  • Additionally, Aaron was the only unfortunate who did not have an E in their name in this episode
  • Leon is the last successful Saboteur in Snake Attack to escape the Tower.
  • This is the last episode to have The Caretaker respond to scribble notes.


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TTV - Trapped! Full Episode - Series 3, Episode 9 (Walton) -CBBC, 2009- -10YearsOfTrapped
